"Dear 16 year old me,"

Yesterday a friend of mine inspired me to write this through a really neat video she posted.

     Dear 16 year old me...You'll learn someday that God has a great sense of humor. Dear 16 year old me... really, nothing in life is free, but you won't even know what that means until you're older. Dear 16 year old me....Everything you do wrong in your life, will revisit you through your own children. Dear 16 year old me...your dad was right, boys only want one thing. Dear 16 year old me...you should love your body, chances are it's the best it's ever going to be right now and the best you'll ever be, is yet to come! Dear 16 year old me...everyone has insecurities, even if you think they don't. Dear 16 year old me...you only like that boy because you know your parents hate him. Dear 16 year old me...teachers don't all suck and they aren't even that old, you're just really young. Dear 16 year old me...your mom's a bitch because that's HER JOB and she hates it. Dear 16 year old me...don't commit suicide, life gets better when you know who you are and you won't believe the things you'll miss. Dear 16 year old me..."Teen Wolfing" on your girlfriends car is a really stupid idea. Dear 16 year old me...your life can change in one second and chances are it won't be worth it. Dear 16 year old me...you'll be astounded how little you actually know when you're 20 and then realize you didn't know shit when you turn 40. Dear 16 year old me...having a boyfriend will cause you to pass up some of the greatest opportunities in your life. Dear 16 year old me...getting married someday should be the last thing on your mind. Dear 16 year old me...no, everyone isn't doing it. Dear 16 year old me...God will give you three daughters because you proclaimed out loud you only wanted sons. Dear 16 year old me...the age of 28 is not ancient. Dear 16 year old me...you should've worn more sunscreen and a hat. Dear 16 year old me...all the "drama" is usually self inflicted. Dear 16 year old me...you won’t believe you ever wore your hair like that. Dear 16 year old me...no one keeps a secret at your age. Dear 16 year old me...you don't have to know what you want to be when you grow up. Dear 16 year old me...it's okay to make mistakes, what you learn from them ends up being the building blocks of your character. Dear 16 year old me...trust your instincts, God gave them to you for a reason. Dear 16 year old me...you're beautiful in every way, but your true beauty comes from the inside. Dear 16 year old me...hopefully you don't marry the guy you dated in high school. Dear 16 year old me...this won’t be your first broken heart, there will be many. Dear 16 year old me...you're never going to believe you even dated that guy. Dear 16 year old me...your parents have already tried it, they really aren't that old or stupid. Dear 16 year old me...friends are important, but someday you'll be a one-woman-army. Dear 16 year old me...someday you'll be a woman and in ten years from that revelation, you'll be a different woman. Dear 16 year old me...the greatest lesson you will ever learn is to love yourself. Dear 16 year old me...you are not defined by any injustice which may have been done to you as a child...You never stop evolving.
